Temperature: -40°~220°
Pressure: ≤2.5 MPa
Speed: ≤16 m / sec
The R-CARTEX double cartridge seal(DN) is a fully assembled unit for use in the oil seal chambers of pumps. With an arbitrary direction of rotation, with double hydraulic discharge-the R-CARTEX(DN) seal has proven itself perfectly in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, sugar, food, and paper industries. The built-in valve fluid circulation system allows you to do without additional circulation devices. A shut-off fluid supply system is required.
Shaft diameter: d1 = 25 ... 100 mm (1.000 "... 4.000")
Temperature: t = -40°C ... 220°C (-40°F ... 428°F)
For a combination of graphite/silicon carbide friction pairs-operating pressure: p1 = 25 bar (363 PSI)
Sliding speed: vg = 16 m / s (52 ft / s)
For combination of silicon carbide/ silicon carbide or silicon carbide/ tungsten carbide-pressure: p1 = 20 bar ( 290 PSI)
Sliding speed: vg = 10 m / s (33 ft / s)
Barrier fluid circulation system: p3 max = 25 bar (363 PSI) Δp (p3 - p1) ideal = 2 ... 3 bar (29 .. 44 lb / sq. Inch), 7 bar (102 lb / sq.inch) for barrier media with poor lubricating properties.
Pump start: Δp (p3 - p1) max = allowed 25 bar (363 PSI) Recommended working environment: max. ISO VG 5 Axial displacement: ± 1.0 mm, d1 ≥75 mm ± 1.5 mm